Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Vegeta Y Bulma Doushinjis

Probable meteoroids from the Hartley 2

During this month the comet Hartley 2 has presented an excellent show for amateur astronomers. The comet shows a live atmosphere of a green color and its tail of dust can be seen with small telescopes. NASA has planned to meet "close" to this comet arriving next November 4, the mission called Deep Impact / EPOXI, will send pictures when flying over spectacular comet's nucleus. The professional astronomer Bill Cooke of the Office of NASA's Meteoroid referred to - presumably, the other night we saw something that can be surprising. "Last October 16, a pair of All Sky cameras caught NASA's unusual about fireballs crossing the night sky over the states of Alabama and Georgia in USA. and what makes it more unusual like fireballs were captured as they passed over the Eastern Canada about 5 hours earlier. The Fireballs of Canada were captured by cameras operated by the All Sky University of Western Ontario (UWO). Because these fireballs were captured by multiple cameras, you can triangulate their positions and calculating their orbits before they impact the Earth's atmosphere. This was to reach an important conclusion: "the orbits of these two fireballs were similar" or from "a common parent object." The candidate is only a distance of 11 million miles from Earth. Small but active comet Hartley 2 is doing one of the closest approach to Earth than any comet had done in centuries .- The orbits of the two fireballs were similar to the orbit of the comet. It is estimated that the nights of 2 and 3 November will be observed next more meteors from this source, which was calculated by the meteor expert Peter Brown of UWO. Visually these meteors could emerge from the constellation of Cygnus, visible for observers in the Northern Hemisphere and is just above their heads after the sun sets early November. The Moon in those days will be a crescent, giving dark skies to observe the shower. Finally Cooke said: "We have discovered a new major meteor shower." (Taken from: )

Contribution: Dr. Salvador Aguirre

North American All-Sky Camera All Sky Camera Database
Sentinel Network
letter from Salvador Aguirre
reported that the date of the capture of the cars mentioned in this report, personally, I did not catch any with my camera All Sky from Mexico. L qe or if I obtained the night of 25/26 October 1 fireballs unusual activity in a total 6 with mag. calculated from -4 to -10, almost all from the same radiant. I sent pictures of my catches Bill Cooke, and colleagues from Canada and USA for study. definitely will be my All Sky cameras, patrolling the sky as they do every night, but especially Bill Cooke dates quoted in this upcoming November.


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