- Aimed at members of the Committee on Environmental Assessment.
- In Defense Council provide information Patagonia institutional contact the authorities, while in high school students and citizens Coyhaique installed with photographs depicting members of the Committee on Environmental Assessment (CEA) the Intendant Pilar Cuevas, 10 regional ministerial secretaries and regional director of Environmental Assessment Service. Organizations
- clarified that image released by Mercury under the slogan "Wanted" does not correspond to one of Patagonia without dams or civic organizations against hydroelectric projects, but a blog of political opposition to the government of Sebastián Piñera .
An awareness campaign with a call "thinking about the future of Patagonia" and act "consciousness" began last week Defense Council of Patagonia (CDP) through its website parallel to high school students from the region and the Citizens Movement Patagonia without dams in the main public promenade Coyhaique have been installed since this weekend with pictures that represent the members of the Committee on Environmental Assessment (CEA), the Intendant Pilar Cuevas, 10 regional ministerial secretaries and regional director of Environmental Assessment Service.
In this sense, the journalist of the Defense Council of Patagonia (CDP) and the Citizens Coalition Aysen Life Reserve Coalition (ARV), Patricio Segura, said that "the call is to Chilean authorities do know your opinion on this project, as part of the democratic right to public participation. The tenor of this initiative is possible www.patagoniasinrepresas.cl review site, where in any personal information has been published by the authorities or confidential but only institutional and public. In the background is an extension, with the use of technology, the right to demonstrate that it has any Chilean public issues. "
On this, one of the organizers of the action in public, Victor Formantel, said "here we must be clear in the sense that each one has to assume its responsibility as a citizen and the authorities and public authorities. At ayseninos they have been cutting the space to participate, and people are taking to the streets and places where freedom has yet to give his opinion on a non-violent. "
Although some authorities in El Mercurio alluded hinted that they feel intimidated, the organizers made it clear that there is no fear that people express opinion. Even the son of Health SEREMI Claudio Vallejos, who has been a member of the CEA that has challenged the procedure, endorsed the initiative on 18 April expressing its twitter account @ juanvallejosc "writes the Committee on Environmental Assessment http : / / bit.ly / gwjFyW # Patagoniasinrepresas @ sinrepresas. Old, think again. "
The campaign is based on the understanding that any decision of the Environmental Assessment Committee is political, since the pronouncements of bodies with environmental competence are not binding on the decision of the collegial body, as appropriated the Comptroller General the Republic in its 9624 opinion of February 24, 2005: "The reports out of the organs of the State Administration of environmental jurisdiction are not binding on the respective Environmental Commission."
While El Mercurio intention to link the action of CDP and Aysén citizens with actions against the authorities, the organization explained that the image that illustrates the note under the slogan "Wanted" does not belong to groups but a blog of political opposition to the Government of Sebastián Piñera.
regional level the initiative in public has called enough attention to where people often lack access to contact information of its authorities later reported it to let them know your opinion.
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