- On Monday sent request to Mayor and Chair of the Regional Council of Aysen.
- This makes two mayors and 4 organizations in the Region of Aysen asking that they make an assessment to take charge in areas not considered in the EIA of the company.
- specifically require that "further studies indepediente or ask for an audit report or an external consultant team on environmental impact study submitted by HidroAysén.
- The beautiful town of La Junta in Aysen region.
On Monday, adding to applications the mayors of Tortel Bernardo Lopez and Chile Chico Luperciano Muñoz, corporations and Costa Carrera Codesa and Codeff, president of the trade organization, Odette Neghme asked the mayor and president of the Regional Council of Aysen, Pilar Cuevas, "is indepediente do further study or ask for an audit report or an external consultant team regarding the environmental impact study submitted by HidroAysén. "
The rationale is the same as the previous submission, the right to appeal to the authority granted in Article 19 N º 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Chile. In this Neghme notes that the independent report would be "a contribution to building the vision that the Regional Government, regional directors and the general community has about this type of projects that affect environmental quality scale, sustainable development of the region in general."
The number of requests are on the verge of that society made up of Endesa and Colbún enter its third addendum, which would be after only 24 days for the Commission to issue its Environmental Assessment Environmental Qualification Resolution. It is estimated that this could happen in early May.
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