- Codeff Aysén presented Wednesday morning Comptroller written in Coyhaique.
- According to environmental organization this irregular situation was discovered some months ago to review mapping provided by developed by Ingendesa Conaf but under the hydroelectric project evaluation, which would be consistent with the actual documents of various organs State.
- The request to the Comptroller also notes that Conaf, National Property and Conama would have acted "recklessly" in the protection of this protected wilderness area where prospecting Endesa made in late 2005 and early 2006. The park was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1979 and is a mainstay of the presentation to the same rating agency for World Heritage Site.
On Wednesday morning the Aysén branch director of the Committee for the Defense of Fauna and Flora (CODEFF), Peter Hartmann, submitted a request to the Regional Comptroller Aysen Coyhaique to "monitor and audit the performance of responsibilities and powers in the management, protection of domestic goods protection of protected areas and forest law enforcement in this case a national park, plus the correct application of Law 19,300, in order to establish non-compliance and corrective measures and appropriate sanctions. "
An unusual fact is that even it was found that the reservoir materialize Baker 2, the northern part of the wall would be within the protected area.
"On December 29, 2010 Conaf ask via Transparency Act, the delivery of all existing information on this subject, having received so far only a partial response, which confirms anyway this serious situation even according to its own mapping requested by Conaf Ingendesa under HidroAysén project evaluation " said.
tasks History national park
The story of how the institutions of the state has played in front of the project intervention HidroAysén and Laguna San Rafael National Park dates back several years.
The commotion caused by the generated public criticism that Endesa requested February 8 National Property income back to the area north, getting instant approval by the deputy SEREMI Ximena Contreras, who with this decision contradicted the owner SEREMI .
"When we saw that neither Conaf or were serving in National Assets this case with its responsibility to safeguard the integrity of this protected wildlife area, headed the March 1, 2006 a letter to the Regional Director of CONAMA, José Pablo Sáez, that requires, as stated in the Rules of the Environment Management Act in letter d) Article 11 of the presentation of an EIA to be the tasks in a location next to protected areas likely to be affected, and in this case even within a national park "Hartmann recalled. The Answers came on March 17, saying "they only ask for more information corresponded to the aforementioned companies and relevant state bodies", which was supplemented with an answer June 15, after raising its approach to executive management, that these activities did not require environmental impact assessment to be only "observation" and not "execution of the project or activity," which contrasts with images chores done "and leads to injustice that under this criterion one could blow up the Cerro Santa Lucia Santiago and not have to submit the study to captioned simply as studies or exploration tasks."
not until August 4, 2006, after four months of waiting, the new National Property SEREMI (former director of Conaf Jorge Burgos) responded by explaining that " instructed the company to avoid involving lands declared protected wilderness. "
Peter Hartmann said the allegations that there are several irregularities that need to ascertain the Comptroller and eventually punished.
One is that no-originally called Endesa, today HidroAysén-forest management plan proposal nor vegetation restoration technique, which itself is required such companies to other sectors operated.
only did two audits of Conaf the sector - one of them who is now regional director of the agency, Juan Eduardo Barrientos and by helicopter. Another point is
HidroAysén never evaluated the impact of the installation of the reservoir dam Baker 2 inside the park, where in addition to legal protection and even international registration exists huemules populations, endangered species. And this, not being considered in the EIA, could not be observed by citizens in the process of citizen participation.
"All this suggests that both SEREMI Conaf as National Property, for reasons unknown, they acted negligently or plainly contrary to their responsibilities and legal authority, without making the findings and studies and making corresponding ignore background that they had on the situation of the affected land, and allowing illegal and unauthorized use of this area, "he said. Similar situation would happen to Conama that "hid behind subterfuges for not requiring environmental impact assessment corresponding nor fulfilled its responsibilities in overseeing the defendant". Further information
Peter Hartmann Director Codeff Aysén
Coalition Coordinator (98) 8185273 / aisen-rv@entelchile.net
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