Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Phlegm Extraction In A 9 Month Baby

comet Tempel 1 seen by Stardust Anniversary

The NASA spacecraft Stardust met on Tuesday 15 February at 3:39 UTC with sobevuelo expected and very close to the comet passing within 200 km, after a journey of more than 5.6 billion miles since its launch in February 99.

No images were broadcast live on NASA TV of the comet, we could only witness the scientists have the details of the mission from the room flight controllers and witnessed the applause to a confirmed fact.

The process of transmission of the scheduled 72 images has been a very long way from the re-orientation of the high-gain antenna after the overlap of Tempel for later transmission one by one in order to obtain the footage and the corresponding processing of these.

The following pictures were "rotated or turned" from the original 90 degrees anti-clockwise to be positioned with the same orientation as those obtained by the Deep Impact in 2005. The whole operation was very slow and this hour is ending. Now to await the opinion of scientists of the project and the final results in some time maybe.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

4 Stroke Dirt Bike Ringtone

denounced that part of Baker 2 dam wall is planned HidroAysén up in Laguna San Rafael National Park Service

  • Codeff Aysén presented Wednesday morning Comptroller written in Coyhaique.

  • According to environmental organization this irregular situation was discovered some months ago to review mapping provided by developed by Ingendesa Conaf but under the hydroelectric project evaluation, which would be consistent with the actual documents of various organs State.

  • The request to the Comptroller also notes that Conaf, National Property and Conama would have acted "recklessly" in the protection of this protected wilderness area where prospecting Endesa made in late 2005 and early 2006. The park was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1979 and is a mainstay of the presentation to the same rating agency for World Heritage Site.

The fallout continues from the drastic change of criteria for regional management of Conaf in defending the integrity of wilderness protected after the last statement by the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of HidroAysén is open to flooding from the Laguna San Rafael National Park. Your new look contrasted with previous reports of the organism itself, where he maintained the view of the illegality of this possibility and stated his disagreement with the study.
On Wednesday morning the Aysén branch director of the Committee for the Defense of Fauna and Flora (CODEFF), Peter Hartmann, submitted a request to the Regional Comptroller Aysen Coyhaique to "monitor and audit the performance of responsibilities and powers in the management, protection of domestic goods protection of protected areas and forest law enforcement in this case a national park, plus the correct application of Law 19,300, in order to establish non-compliance and corrective measures and appropriate sanctions. "

leader in his presentation gives background of various work related situations and tasks of project HidroAysén Endesa-then-that have affected this protected area, and despite several complaints made to bodies such as CONAF The National Property SEREMI and the former National Environment Commission, the State has not fulfilled its role of protecting the natural heritage national declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1979 and a mainstay of the presentation to the same rating agency for World Heritage Site.

An unusual fact is that even it was found that the reservoir materialize Baker 2, the northern part of the wall would be within the protected area. "After requesting records to the National Property SEREMI in 2010 it is clear that the dam would be located where the reservoir Baker 2-for-height of 40 meters would be grounds of Laguna San Rafael National Park," said Peter Hartmann.

"On December 29, 2010 Conaf ask via Transparency Act, the delivery of all existing information on this subject, having received so far only a partial response, which confirms anyway this serious situation even according to its own mapping requested by Conaf Ingendesa under HidroAysén project evaluation " said.

tasks History national park

The story of how the institutions of the state has played in front of the project intervention HidroAysén and Laguna San Rafael National Park dates back several years.

was the January 28, 2006 when, informed by the resident Atilio Sanchez, a subsidiary Codeff Aysén sent to then regional director of Conaf, Jorge Burgos, a letter informing photo geological prospecting work with machinery, camping, trails and stairs, clearing vegetation, transportation and landing of helicopters and deposit of waste on land tax on both shores of the Salton Baker River, which is being carried out illegally into the Laguna San Rafael National Park (north shore of the Salton). In light of the claim "it was revealed that National Property (N ˚ 2322 official letter of 9.12.2005 Nelson Alvear holder) authorized tasks only in the southern part of the area, specifically prohibiting work in the north because they belong to the park, administered by Conaf. " The response by official Conaf-N ˚ 65 of February 3, 2006 - was that had not been allowed entry into the park, but regardless of that the north shore area of \u200b\u200bnational park but it was not just public land.

The commotion caused by the generated public criticism that Endesa requested February 8 National Property income back to the area north, getting instant approval by the deputy SEREMI Ximena Contreras, who with this decision contradicted the owner SEREMI .

"When we saw that neither Conaf or were serving in National Assets this case with its responsibility to safeguard the integrity of this protected wildlife area, headed the March 1, 2006 a letter to the Regional Director of CONAMA, José Pablo Sáez, that requires, as stated in the Rules of the Environment Management Act in letter d) Article 11 of the presentation of an EIA to be the tasks in a location next to protected areas likely to be affected, and in this case even within a national park "Hartmann recalled. The Answers came on March 17, saying "they only ask for more information corresponded to the aforementioned companies and relevant state bodies", which was supplemented with an answer June 15, after raising its approach to executive management, that these activities did not require environmental impact assessment to be only "observation" and not "execution of the project or activity," which contrasts with images chores done "and leads to injustice that under this criterion one could blow up the Cerro Santa Lucia Santiago and not have to submit the study to captioned simply as studies or exploration tasks."

not until August 4, 2006, after four months of waiting, the new National Property SEREMI (former director of Conaf Jorge Burgos) responded by explaining that " instructed the company to avoid involving lands declared protected wilderness. "
Peter Hartmann said the allegations that there are several irregularities that need to ascertain the Comptroller and eventually punished.
One is that no-originally called Endesa, today HidroAysén-forest management plan proposal nor vegetation restoration technique, which itself is required such companies to other sectors operated.

only did two audits of Conaf the sector - one of them who is now regional director of the agency, Juan Eduardo Barrientos and by helicopter. Another point is
HidroAysén never evaluated the impact of the installation of the reservoir dam Baker 2 inside the park, where in addition to legal protection and even international registration exists huemules populations, endangered species. And this, not being considered in the EIA, could not be observed by citizens in the process of citizen participation.

"All this suggests that both SEREMI Conaf as National Property, for reasons unknown, they acted negligently or plainly contrary to their responsibilities and legal authority, without making the findings and studies and making corresponding ignore background that they had on the situation of the affected land, and allowing illegal and unauthorized use of this area, "he said. Similar situation would happen to Conama that "hid behind subterfuges for not requiring environmental impact assessment corresponding nor fulfilled its responsibilities in overseeing the defendant". Further information


Peter Hartmann Director Codeff Aysén


Coalition Coordinator (98) 8185273 / aisen-rv@entelchile.net

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Purple Wrestling Showes


The NASA spacecraft Stardust met this Monday, February 7 its 12 th anniversary in space. The spacecraft has traveled more than 5.6 billion miles since its launch.
He made a brief maneuvers rocket fired from his position to refine your flight trayactoria to settle this on February 14 about 200 km of the nucleus of Tempel 1 at the time of closest approach.
consumed about 69 grams of fuel and change your speed to 0.56 meters per second.
During this encounter, the spacecraft will image the surface of comet Tempel 1 to observe and determine if changes have occurred since another NASA spacecraft visited him last time. (Deep Impact in July 2005).
Along with high-resolution images, measure its composition, size distribution and flow dust emitted into the "coma" and provide new information about how they develop. Stardust was launched on February 7, 1999.
The project's original target was the Stardust flyby of Wild 2 in 2004 and collected particles from the coma he brought in a return capsule to Earth in January 2006. In January 2007, NASA renamed the mission like Stardust-NExT (New Exploration of Tempel), and Stardust's team began a journey of four years and a half before this new target.
NASA will conduct various activities "in vivo" for this occasion. The closest approach is expected at 4:40 UTC on February 15. The live coverage will begin at 4:30 TUC AM February 15 by NASA TV. Coverage will include live commentary from mission control at JPL in Pasadena.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inurl View.shtml Home

Stardust NExT mission to Tempel 1 Starust

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Do I Colour My Bedroompic

public pronouncements suggest that a second addendum HidroAysén showed "spontaneous generation" Young

  • requirements Answers regional organizations Transparency Act.
  • Six groups of the Aysen Region 26 services requested public documents that supported the development of their pronuniciamientos November 2010 on the EIA of HidroAysén, and a significant portion of these stated that no emails, quotes working meetings, technical preliminary report or any related internal communication with the evaluation process.
  • The purpose of these groups is to know how this work was developed within the organs of state and verify if there was pressure of some sort to direct the evaluation technique. To the null and elusive answers are entering complaints to the Council for Transparency.

The unusual response that the only documentation of the service would be the official statement published on the website of the System of Environmental Impact Assessment has been until now the main result of the information requirements that six organizations of the Aysen Region made to public services in November last year accounted for the second addendum to rule HidroAysén.

Between December and January, the Association of Defenders of the Spirit of Patagonia Cochrane, the Defenders Association Murta Basin, the Association of Heirs of Patagonia Villa Cerro Castillo, the Committee for the Defence of Flora and Fauna, Private Development Corporation of Aysen (CODESA) and the Autonomous Collective Patagonia (CAPP) asked 26 institutions " information (institutional mails, memos, official letters, etc) related to the technical evaluation of the second addendum Aysén Hydroelectric Project ... This should include special form of professional reports and technical reviewers, summonses to meetings, the minutes of such meetings and formal communication with the level Santiago higher related to the subject (if applicable), plus all the necessary background for the preparation of official pronouncement service. "

The offensive audit is the result of what happened inside the National Forest, where labor unions and professional agency reported that the official declaration of conformity of the regional for the second addendum - by ordinary 344 of November 15, 2010 - were not considered technical reports of the officials reported that the national leadership imposed the final document and that managers Conaf nacional llegaron a Aysén para dirigir el trabajo regional y adaptarlo a los requerimientos de la empresa, lo cual habría derivado en un cambio rotundo del criterio de inconformidad por ilegalidad mantenido por el organismo en los dos informes previos (mediante oficios 510 del 7 de octubre de 2008 y 450 del 10 de noviembre de 2009 ). “ Varias organizaciones regionales solicitamos a los servicios los antecedentes que derivaron en sus pronunciamientos. Queremos saber si ocurrió lo mismo que en el caso de Conaf, donde los dirigentes gremiales han señalado que todo se montó para permitir a HidroAysén inundar parte del Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael contraviniendo Chilean law and international treaties " expressed about the representative organizations Murta, Cochrane and Villa Cerro Castillo, Victor Formantel . Last week the dispute went to court after complaint filed on January 31 by CODESA, Senator Guido Girardi and Congressman Enrique Accorsi, in the 7th Court Guarantee Santiago " counterfeiting ideological and material public documents . "

Pronouncements "spontaneous"

To date there have been several services that simply did not provide information, including National Monuments Council and SEREMI Health.

However, what has attracted most attention is the response given by some of the agencies involved in the process, implying that the only documentation of the assessment would be the official pronouncement: there would be summons to meetings technical work, requests for information to professionals nor preliminary report on which to work and agree on a final document, or any other official communication or background to make such an important decision. " We is implying that the ruling appeared trades spontaneously, as if they were written by one person or a whole team to a single computer, all the material had been transferred by pen drives without drivers trades or calling meetings to assess any HidroAysén addendum. These statements violate all logic and, in particular, are concerned that you are trying to hide the inner workings that would have made some pronouncements services to adapt to the needs of the company "said President of CODESA, Patricio Segura .

The most obvious case is that of Conaf , where the response was that " preparing the official opinion of CONAF, methodologically based on meetings and exchange of opinion of professionals convened for that purpose. Such action does not lift record or progress reports are generated or institutional trades . " However, despite acknowledging the call for special meetings such communications were not delivered in circumstances having been specifically requested, as well as the preliminary report technical professionals and has been broadcast by various media . " Our interest is to have the information only to fulfill our role as citizens, for it was enacted Transparency Act, "said Marcela Figueroa of CAPP.

same said the Public Works SEREMI , then collect the information in the General Water addresses , Hydraulic , Airports, Harbor Works , Architecture and Road, sent only official statements referring not to any other related document. Something similar happened in the SEREMIS Housing, National Property (which I listed meetings but did not give the respective calls), Planning, Agriculture and Transport, the Superintendency of Sanitary Services , besides the Governor General Carrera which recognized that meetings were held but " as these are professionals who work daily in this Government, no was necessary to cite such meetings through formal communications, so there is no documentary record of such subpoenas ".

The SEREMI Education responded that " the drafting of the assessment was a process of trial and correction, which was reflected only in the office which referred to, elaborating on what the statement claimed. In this sense there are no institutional mail, memos, letters, etc., And the configuration of the answers given by the Regional Ministerial Secretariat, mainly regarding the lack of information, there are no reports of professional or technical evaluators, dates of meetings and / or minutes . "

the contrary, among other services fully comply with the request includes Sernageomin and Sernatur .

Since last week, organizations that requested the information being submitted complaints to the Council Transparency for incomplete responses or simply not delivered on some of these organs of state.

Marcus Mojo E Samuel O'toole

aysenino forced to spend eight hours in jail for alleged death threat to journalist

  • María Irene Soto called police to report Diego Vera, who has declared that the exchange of opinions at any time involving threats, insults or violent action.
  • The young student of fifth year of Ecotourism at the University Andrés Bello, who spends holidays in Coyhaique with his family, was released just after midnight.

Eight hours in a cell must pass a young aysenino as a result of an exchange of views with the HidroAysén communications manager, Mary Irene Soto, on the stand that the company installed at the Expo Patagonia Coyhaique.

was Thursday when fifth-year student coyhaiquino Ecotourism Andrés Bello University of Viña del Mar, Diego Vera, came up with teammate Fernando Pavez the information that power dome installed on the premises. Once in place they were approached by professional company, who identified them as members of Patagonia without dams, to which they responded that they were actually college students who wanted to know what kind of records were delivered on site.

"When we were saying goodbye I said" better to let the discussion here, because for me the dams are not going and not going to do in the region, 'and she said' unfortunately going to have to live with that because dams van ', and it said' lady watch what he is talking because now it comes with everything 'and in that call and said goodbye. After police arrived at 5 minutes and I said 'you are arrested for death threat' "recounted the young. The result, to be held from 16:00 am to midnight at a police station with the only evidence the testimony of journalist Soto.

"I felt super bad, starting because I had never been in jail, never been in a dungeon, and I felt vulnerable because I am a student, like many of the Aysen region, a Patagonian that out as it costs out. And love my country, to have another point of view, they are created and become powerful and can do what they want, for silver for power, "he complained.

thing that Diego was upset that "the end all this came to nothing, but I just had to suck 8 hours in a dungeon unhealthy, dying of cold, inhuman conditions and that yes I felt bad" . Meanwhile

Fernando Pavez recalled that "broke the vibe of the lady to Diego when he asked 'are you from the region?" and she said 'no, I'm from Valdivia' and he replied 'then do not understand what I'm sayin', and after that they finished their discussion. " In this regard stated that "at no time were threats or threatening gestures, or voice louder than he had it, or at any time mentioned the word death."

Speaking to Radio Santa María, María Irene Soto said that "when one is threatened, one is hit, afraid and that's natural. The young man told me he had been a violent theme, that things would change and I said if I was threatening and I said yes. And I said if I was threatening to kill and I said yes, here things will change, then the truth I felt very uncomfortable and police being there in the expo made the complaint. " Paradoxically

Diego had asked permission three days in his job at a tour operator in Puerto Bertrand to work at the booth of the company's kayak "Water and Ice" at the Expo Patagonia, of which two were spent traveling and a detained in a cell by a dispute with an officer HidroAysén.

Photo: Courtesy www.vientopatagon.com

Friday, February 4, 2011

Erotica Movies Collection

HidroAysén active citizenship Patagonia without dams in the summer aysenino

  • Movement to participate in Expo booth Patagonia 2011.

  • Citizens and organizations are making a presence in the various activities taking place along the Aysen region, as Quilapayún presentations and Los Jaivas.

Mark presence and provide information. Such is the slogan of organizations and citizens who are part of the movement "Patagonia without dams" for this summer, for which handesplegado in several activities during these months are carried along Aysen Region.

One will be the Expo Patagonia 2011 of the crescent of the course, in the vicinity of Coyhaique, where you will install a stand to be delivered "material and information movement" said Josefina Ruiz, professional Citizens' Coalition for Aysen Life Reserve. In it, visitors can also find counters, informational posters, stickers and posters with the main fundamentals of the case. Ruiz said that also include activities special family, as the presence of members "Collective Self in Patagonia who will be making balloon twisting and face painting, as well as considering the screening of" documentaries and various other activities. " As previously expected receive a large number of visitors, especially considering the participation in the show's original national coyhaiquino duo, Los Vásquez, who have spoken publicly against HidroAysén projects and Southern Energy.

Various activities

Al informational leafleting pentagonal square and Paseo de Coyhaique Horn has been done in recent weeks, have added their participation in the anniversary of Puerto Aysen on Saturday January 29 where Alonso Núñez regional singer and the group Quilapayún recognized from the stage the fight that ayseninos are to defend their land, waters and their culture. Something similar happened during the presentation of The Jaivas on Saturday January 15 in Villa Amengual, where banners and paintings of Patagonia without dams were also present. Even the group of Puerto Quispikay Swan famous opening act national group devoted much of his repertoire to the public fight.

Another action of the summer was the logistical support to the "Challenge Aysén" extreme running that between 13 and Jan. 16 called for teams of Chile and abroad to go in different disciplines the beautiful sites located between Puerto Ingeniero Ibáñez and Coyhaique.

The idea of \u200b\u200borganizations and citizens' movement adherents of "Patagonia without dams is further manifested during the summer, going to parties where local customs and popular events to deliver information to the public.

Supplementary Material:

Video Anniversary canvases PSR in Puerto Aysen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfQelAB5vLY


Quispikay in Villa Amengual support PSR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyt2BWpRItk

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chestsitting Bouncing

New objects discovered by NEOWISE

February 1, 2011 - Pasadena, California, USA.

NEOWISE The mission of NASA has completed its review of small bodies, asteroids and comets in our Solar System. The discoveries of previously unknown objects include a 20 comets, more than 33,000 asteroids in the Main Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and 134 objects passing close to Earth or NEOs. NEOs are asteroids and comets with trajectories that pass less than 45 million miles from Earth in its annual path around the Sun

NEOWISE program is an extension of the Wide Field Infrared Explorer, or WISE, a mission that was launched in December 2009. WISE scanned the entire sky in infrared light about 1.5 times. Captured more than 2.7 million images of various objects in space, ranging from distant galaxies to nearby asteroids and comets to Earth.

In October 2010, after completing his first mission ceased operation coolant instrumentation maintaining adequate working conditions. However, two of its four infrared cameras remained operational. Thus, these two channels were still useful for hunting asteroids, so the decision to extend NASA was part of the WISE mission NEOWISE for four months, with the primary purpose was to search for more asteroids and comets, and finishing with a complete scan of the main asteroid belt.

"In just one year of observations NEOWISE project has significantly enhanced our catalog of data on NEOs and other small bodies of the solar system," said Lindley Johnson, program executive for NASA's NEO Observation Program.

NEOWISE Now that is over successfully complete a sweep of the Main Belt, the WISE spacecraft will enter hibernate mode and remains in polar orbit around the Earth, which could be called back into service in the near future.

addition to discovering new asteroids and comets, NEOWISE also confirmed the presence of objects in the Main Belt that had already been detected. In just one year, said about 153,000 foreign rocky bodies known about 500,000 objects. Those include the 33,000 who NEOWISE discovered.

NEOWISE also observed familiar objects that are closer and more distant to us that the Belt Principal, including 2,000 asteroids orbiting Jupiter along with a hundred more than 100 NEOs and comets.

These observations are essential to determine the sizes and compositions of these objects. Visible Light The data reveal just how much sunlight is reflected by an asteroid, while the infrared data are more directly related to the size of the object. Combining the visible and infrared measurements, astronomers can learn about the compositions of the rocky bodies. For example, if they are solid or crumbly. The results lead to a much improved picture of the various asteroid populations.

Data of NEOWISE obtained on the orbits of asteroids and comets are cataloged in the Central Minor Planet International Astronomical Union. The science team is now analyzing the infrared observations and publish new results in the coming months.

When they are combined with observations of WISE NEOWISE data will help in the discovery of very faint stars nearby, called "brown dwarfs." These observations have the potential to reveal a "brown dwarf" even closer to us than our known star Proxima Centauri, if any such object. Also, if there is a gas giant planet in the most hidden outside our Solar System, WISE data and NEOWISE could detect.

The first scientific results from observations of the WISE mission will be available to the astronomical community and public in April.

More information is online at http://www.nasa.gov/wise, http://wise.astro.ucla.edu and http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/wise.