In this election year

Tortel Mayor, to submit their comments municipality environmental impact assessment (EIA) of HidroAysén, said that " much Tortel community, who have been born in this land, we believe this project will be very harmful if they come to realize, in the cultural item, in environmental issues, the impact will be tremendous . "
Comments The document, which reflects the main findings, we question the impact on the sector where the Baker River Salton intends to build HidroAysén the central wall of the Baker 2, noting that " if affects tourism product of the loss of a specific attractive no compensation can be designated as the repair of landscape or conservation area that is intended to offset other impacts " . It adds that " improve a circuit that would lose their main appeal is for a mitigation measure rather than compensation, mitigation refers to mitigate the effects, compensation to compensate for irreparable damage, as that would cause the loss bounding the Baker River. Thus, the owner is requested to supplement the measures specific compensation for the loss of tourist attractions, which are complementary to mitigation measures. "
Another point concerns the extraction of gravel, which the company calls " comply with the request made repeatedly by the DGA, which until now has not been considered to define the path of the river 100 years considering return. This is of particular importance for proper risk assessment product GLOF events and other large floods, which could be increased if flooded areas aggregate extraction. "
also spoken bonding company with the people directly affected who live in the district, to avoid an unequal relationship between the parties.
On Monday April 25th is the deadline to have the utilities to submit comments, after which it is most likely to develop the Consolidated Evaluation Report, on which the Environmental Assessment Committee should vote before 16 May its approval or rejection of the EIA.
The general slogan is "Now is the time : Together we stop HidroAysén " and focuses on the imminence of the decision to be taken by the Commission for Environmental Assessment (CEA) of the Aysen Region, which has run only until 16 May to issue a resolution for environmental qualification, for which the respective Voting should be before that date by the time required to prepare the final document.
In Coyhaique concentration will be at 16:30 am in pentagonal square of the city, which is projected to report on the time left and go through the different departments of whom are members of the CEA, as a way to express once again, rejecting the initiative.
The call is Santiago at 18:30 am in the middle of the Alameda floe with Teatinos, joining various organizations and institutions to the call, one of the latest Student Federation of the Catholic University of Chile a public statement, and after a general assembly, rejected the draft and called HidroAysén join the demonstration.
Organizers have said that it will be just one of the activities planned with a view to the decision that is about to take the CEA, consistent rejection of 61.1% of this project is among Chileans appropriated according to the Ipsos April this year.
Three of the four representatives of the Aysen Region in Congress have been defined in the last week about the project HidroAysén to reject the initiative is approved in the current conditions, on the verge of the Commission EA take a decision. RN Senators Patrick Antonio Horvath and DC Walker, plus the UDI deputy David Sandoval, have been questioned by various reasons the project, while the deputy PRO René Alinco has expressed support for the venture being carried out by Endesa and Colbun to build five Rep in the Baker and Pascua rivers.
In a column published Monday in The Counter and El Divisadero, Patricio Walker made explicit rejection: "The conviction be defending the future and the interests of the region I have the honor to represent in the Senate, I express my stand against the approval of the mega projects for hydroelectric Aysen region. " His main reasons were the negative externalities that affect development strategies Aysén especially in tourism, lack of adequate compensation to take care of the damage that was not considered a permanent royalty for the use of water and the promise of cheap energy for the Aysen region currently is just that, a promise.
David Sandoval, who was mayor of Chile Chico, Cochrane, Coyhaique, regional media statements said "if you arrived build hydroelectric plants in Aysen what about the region?, because this resource is that the state and country values \u200b\u200bto the region in a different way. Today we are important because they need the energy that can occur in our rivers. But we will not use or a kilowatt of electricity generation that would produce these plants, go all the Central Interconnected System, from Tal Tal to Chiloe ", giving to understand his critique HidroAysén is approved under the current conditions.
His current position at odds not only with the PRO, the party which he joined in December 2010, and that of its chairman, Marco Enríquez-Ominami, who in his presidential campaign was a staunch opponent to the project - but also that the statements made himself the day before parliamentary elections in 2009 when he played for reelection: " Just as things are happening, and seeing that is not in compliance with applicable environmental regulations, my position is to be totally against the construction of dams in Aysen "adding that" I will not allow come to pollute our region as well . " And then towards the presidential runoff February 2010 on the proposed said that " need for an end to the irregularities that have undermined the legitimacy of our institutions and government, and affecting one or another way, the chances of our candidate Eduardo Frei to be the next President of Chile . " All before he became executive vice Fernandez company.
This confirms that in Aysen the world turns upside down: the only Member the only party with parliamentary representation has spoken out against HidroAysén supports the initiative, while the congress center and center-right blocks which have not addressed the question by the damage the inside wall which could lead to the region.
An awareness campaign with a call "thinking about the future of Patagonia" and act "consciousness" began last week Defense Council of Patagonia (CDP) through its website parallel to high school students from the region and the Citizens Movement Patagonia without dams in the main public promenade Coyhaique have been installed since this weekend with pictures that represent the members of the Committee on Environmental Assessment (CEA), the Intendant Pilar Cuevas, 10 regional ministerial secretaries and regional director of Environmental Assessment Service.
In this sense, the journalist of the Defense Council of Patagonia (CDP) and the Citizens Coalition Aysen Life Reserve Coalition (ARV), Patricio Segura, said that "the call is to Chilean authorities do know your opinion on this project, as part of the democratic right to public participation. The tenor of this initiative is possible review site, where in any personal information has been published by the authorities or confidential but only institutional and public. In the background is an extension, with the use of technology, the right to demonstrate that it has any Chilean public issues. "
On this, one of the organizers of the action in public, Victor Formantel, said "here we must be clear in the sense that each one has to assume its responsibility as a citizen and the authorities and public authorities. At ayseninos they have been cutting the space to participate, and people are taking to the streets and places where freedom has yet to give his opinion on a non-violent. "
Although some authorities in El Mercurio alluded hinted that they feel intimidated, the organizers made it clear that there is no fear that people express opinion. Even the son of Health SEREMI Claudio Vallejos, who has been a member of the CEA that has challenged the procedure, endorsed the initiative on 18 April expressing its twitter account @ juanvallejosc "writes the Committee on Environmental Assessment http : / / / gwjFyW # Patagoniasinrepresas @ sinrepresas. Old, think again. "
The campaign is based on the understanding that any decision of the Environmental Assessment Committee is political, since the pronouncements of bodies with environmental competence are not binding on the decision of the collegial body, as appropriated the Comptroller General the Republic in its 9624 opinion of February 24, 2005: "The reports out of the organs of the State Administration of environmental jurisdiction are not binding on the respective Environmental Commission."
While El Mercurio intention to link the action of CDP and Aysén citizens with actions against the authorities, the organization explained that the image that illustrates the note under the slogan "Wanted" does not belong to groups but a blog of political opposition to the Government of Sebastián Piñera.
regional level the initiative in public has called enough attention to where people often lack access to contact information of its authorities later reported it to let them know your opinion.
On Monday, adding to applications the mayors of Tortel Bernardo Lopez and Chile Chico Luperciano Muñoz, corporations and Costa Carrera Codesa and Codeff, president of the trade organization, Odette Neghme asked the mayor and president of the Regional Council of Aysen, Pilar Cuevas, "is indepediente do further study or ask for an audit report or an external consultant team regarding the environmental impact study submitted by HidroAysén. "
The rationale is the same as the previous submission, the right to appeal to the authority granted in Article 19 N º 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Chile. In this Neghme notes that the independent report would be "a contribution to building the vision that the Regional Government, regional directors and the general community has about this type of projects that affect environmental quality scale, sustainable development of the region in general."
The number of requests are on the verge of that society made up of Endesa and Colbún enter its third addendum, which would be after only 24 days for the Commission to issue its Environmental Assessment Environmental Qualification Resolution. It is estimated that this could happen in early May.
Aysén subsidiary of the Committee for the Defence of Flora and Fauna (Codeff) joined a few days to the request made two weeks ago the mayor and president of the Regional Council of Aysen, Pilar Cuevas, the mayors of Tortel Bernardo Lopez and Chile Chico Luperciano Muñoz, along with the presidents of the Corporation Costa Carrera, Alejandro del Pino, and Private Development Corporation of Aysen, Patricio Segura.
In this, and referring to the right to petition guaranteed by Article 19 N º 14 of the Constitution, it is requiring the making of " an external audit or independent environmental impact study of the hydroelectric project presented by the company HidroAysén SA to the Regional COREMA and wants to implement the Pascua and Baker rivers of our region . "
Aysén Codeff subsidiary, headed by architect Peter Hartmann, justified his approach recalling that "there are some cases in the country where national or regional authorities have been subject to external audit or independent review, the Environmental Impact Study submitted by a company, as has happened in our region with a project called Alumysa, which for the initiative and the Regional Council, was subjected to an analysis of technicians and experts from the Catholic University of Santiago, which concluded that the relevant mining company was environmentally feasible, severely polluting, also affecting the health and life people who would be exposed to such project. "