- Senator Antonio Horvath RN reaffirmed its position on critical television debate with HidroAysén organized by the Multigremial.
- On Thursday December 2 meeting was held at Channel 4 TV Rocco Coyhaique, where converged productive sectors, media and representatives of civil society organizations.
- On the occasion, company executive vice president, Daniel Fernandez, responded to the location on the problems in the area today Ralco and Pangue built Endesa, Alto Bío Bío and Santa Barbara (both pay the most expensive energy in Chile, according to the survey Casen 2009 are the first and third country's poorest communes in Alto Bío Bío and the suicide rate is three times the national average), that "I do not want that for the region", limiting their response only at the cost of electricity .
"Aysén no need for these major projects to develop. Vocations have to raise our quality of life and gravitate to national and international non HidroAysén without Endesa, no Southern Energy. "
your question specifically pointed to the feasibility to realize such a project if not approved electricity transmission line, said the company has to be submitted for evaluation during 2011. "The project is one, if no approval of the transmission line there is no project" was the response of the executive of the company between Endesa and Colbún.
Multigremial and compensation
El debate se inició pasadas las 19:00 horas con las consultas de los dirigentes de la Multigremial; su presidente Alejandro Cornejo, y los representantes de Ogana Marcos Peede y Sergio de Amesti, Turismo Patricio Silva, Construcción Raúl Vernal y Comercio Eladio Muñoz, cuyos planteamientos estuvieron enfocados, esencialmente, a las eventules compensaciones económicas a las que aspiran tales sectores productivos regionales. Posteriormente tocó el turno a los periodistas Loreto Paredes de radio Santa María y José Miguel Albornoz del diario El Divisadero, el reportero Osvaldo Villarroel de radio Ventisqueros y el director de El Patagón Domingo, Jorge Díaz Guzmán. En este panel también participó Senator Antonio Horvath, who at the claim that Chile needs Fernández energy Aysén replied that "the country needs to grow but has many alternatives, many more."
During the debate, moderated by the director of the newspaper El Divisadero and host of the news on Channel 4 TV Rocco Hugo Araya, addressed various issues related to the environmental impact study HidroAysén, as the complaint of labor unions and professional Conaf about pressure to accept the flood electrical part of Laguna San Rafael National Park, a situation explicitly prohibited by the Washington Convention signed by Chile. About
compensation discussed the requirements of the Multigremial in the sense of generating less impact on transmission lines, reforestation in areas without livestock capacity, patent or royalty for the use of water (5% of the value of MW sold), replacement campaign regional image undervalued, lower-cost energy for Aysen, change in the regional electrical grid to eliminate the use of diesel and paving of 300 kilometers of the Camino Longitudinal Austral well as roads for public use. On the eventual royalty and paving, the refusal of Fernandez was clear: "A completely beyond us that discussion, we are talking about a law," he said about what First, "is not the role of the private project and paving, that is the role of the state," he said of the latter. In this sense the hue RN senator's request for financial compensation to the productive sectors, noting that "no intrinsic value as living in Patagonia and have a green privilege, which has no economic value. I think this is super important to be clear. "
Under this same figure, the director of the Tourism Chamber of Coyhaique and member of the organization (in addition to adhering to the campaign Patagonia without dams), Miriam Chible from the public notice to Alejandro Cornejo to define whether, if not met the 7 points raised by the organization, it will give an explicit rejection HidroAysén. The aforementioned replied that "we've put together a protocol, a very serious work where we have 7 key points where we have made clear that not all belong to the company, we know very well. And we believe that in those where it falls to the company, we have to be quite serious in addressing the issue and in that sense the decision is yes (reject the draft if they fail), "adding that there are matters of law that merit working with parliamentarians and the Executive, which is why "we have worked seriously on the basis of a proposal and I think, has been expressed here, too, that there is a will for even those points that do not necessarily correspond to the company and I want to think it's going to be. "
Current Issues in Alto Bío Bío: "Ask Endesa"
reporter Citizens Coalition Aysen Life Reserve Coalition (ARV), Patricio Segura, noted the contradiction between corporate social responsibility policy HidroAysén (controlled by Endesa and Colbun) applied and proposed in the Region of Aysen and current social problems in Alto Bío Bío and Santa Barbara, built Endesa Ralco and Pangue, both districts pay the most expensive energy in Chile and even more than in Aysen, the survey Casen 2009 Alto Bío Bío is the poorest communities in the country with 50% of families below the poverty line and Santa Barbara is the third poorest in Alto Bío Bío and the suicide rate is three times the national average. At this Fernández said that "I do not represent Endesa, I represent HidroAysén and a specific project. All projects are different at the country level and the truth is that as you make those statements, I have also heard of people even in the region that has gone to Ralco, Pangue, and has other findings. It is true that the issue of Santa Barbara is one of the highest rates that exist in Chile. And I for one do not want that for the region. It does not seem appropriate if they are to provide resources in a region are paying the highest rates of Chile, it is not right. And that's what we raised in this case. About Ralco and Pangue have to answer Endesa, Endesa and the people of his time. I do not represent Endesa. "
Concluding the debate, the coordinator of the Coalition ARV, Peter Hartmann, questioned the policy of corporate social responsibility HidroAysén for environmental action in the Baker and Pascua Rivers and social development in communities through the delivery money. About it explained that "a view which is very respectable, I do not share, but I have nothing to respond."
among the participants participated representatives of the Coalition ARV, the Defense Council of Patagonia, labor unions, the Corporation for the Development of Private and Corporate Aysen Aysen Aysen by, among other local organizations.
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