The Pandora's Box
"Pandora's curiosity, little by little, began to disturb his thoughts. What casket containing the precious gift of Zeus? Are all evils? What if just a little bit opened the lid and carefully looked through the crack to see what it was? Pandora lifted the lid, and bowed his face to the brief opening, but had to depart quickly, caught the biggest fear. Dense smoke, black, acrid, in huge spirals out of the box, while a thousand horrible ghosts were drawn in that darkness that conquered the world, darkening the sun "
Curiosity, doubt and distrust are the reasons that make us open our own Pandora's box.
Like the myth, often it is too late to close, have left ghosts that keep us from seeing clearly, we cloud vision and destroy our reality, leaving behind a totally dark and confused, a world destroyed by the lies and deceptions ...
the end all that remains is a question in the air:
- Why?
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