know it is not right, act no regrets, we do fill up a be unknown to others, a being that is part of our lives that sometimes we let him take control, some call it "dark side", others say "most human" you make mistakes or rather enjoys committing them, others say "evil" and others, like me, prefer to say simply "the dark passenger."
all have a dark passenger, this one is always within us waiting to let it take control of our actions. This passenger makes us do things that no "we", who do not enjoy as "right" that Insite will satisfy your (your) base instincts.
What we do as long as nobody sees us, we would not allow someone to know, those are the things that our passengers enjoy dark, things like theft, rape, murder and perversions, to name some of the things that feed the dark passenger But things need not be so serious, too often our passengers enjoy when we are faithless, when we lie, we feel the desire to cheat, when we want to hit somebody, when we laugh, when we blame someone else for our mistakes, if betrayed someone's trust, when manipulated, if humble, when we cheat, when envy, when we seek revenge, etc ...
All we have things to hide, we all lie to avoid detection once, we've all played with fire without getting burned out, and everybody is afraid of being discovered, nobody likes the bitter taste of finger-pointing, running out of excuses when someone has looked into your dark side.
always live in your dark passenger interior that whispers to you that only you can hear it, you'll notice its presence, I become another, on someone you know one hundred percent, because in the end nobody knows quite a no one, not in a lifetime finish to meet people, because the dark passenger is rarely shown to the world ...
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