4th. Ibero-American Symposium Comets LIADA
invite all professionals, enthusiasts and others interested in the issue of Astronomy Comet to attend our next work-study meeting in the city of Rosario, Argentina.
dedicated professionals and amateurs will participate on the study of comets in all specialties, not only to share work and presentations, but also to discuss, set goals and techniques, and combine criteria to improve and refine the observations results. Presentations will be made Oral and posters.
The objectives will be on hand to emphasize the promotion of the observations of comets and efficient communication between amateur and professional astronomers, as well as order to optimize the benefit of these observations for the analysis of the pros. Is a unique opportunity to meet all their requirements and achieve significant improvements in the techniques used and in new technologies applied.
Prof. Dr. Raúl Roberto Podesta President LIADA
Luis Alberto Mansilla Except
General Coordinator Comets Section
José Guilherme de Souza Aguiar
Local Section Coordinator Kites Brazil LIADA
Gerardo Addiego Prospero
Section Coordinator Local Kites in Uruguay
Erwin Salazar
Local Section Coordinator Kites LIADA by Peru
Press and Publications
Jorge Coghlan (CODE / Secretary LIADA)
Saturday October 9, 2010. Astronomical Municipal Complex PLANETARY "Galileo Galilei" Parque Urquiza city of Rosario, Argentina. Day Complete 8 to 13 and 15 to 20 hours with a break for lunch |
invite all professionals, enthusiasts and others interested in the issue of Astronomy Comet to attend our next work-study meeting in the city of Rosario, Argentina.
dedicated professionals and amateurs will participate on the study of comets in all specialties, not only to share work and presentations, but also to discuss, set goals and techniques, and combine criteria to improve and refine the observations results. Presentations will be made Oral and posters.
Local Organising Institution: Association of Friends of the Observatory and Planetarium of Rosario City. |
The objectives will be on hand to emphasize the promotion of the observations of comets and efficient communication between amateur and professional astronomers, as well as order to optimize the benefit of these observations for the analysis of the pros. Is a unique opportunity to meet all their requirements and achieve significant improvements in the techniques used and in new technologies applied.
http://cometas.liada.net/convocatoria-iv-simposio.html |
For the Organizing Committee Section Comets LIADA |
Prof. Dr. Raúl Roberto Podesta President LIADA
Luis Alberto Mansilla Except
General Coordinator Comets Section
José Guilherme de Souza Aguiar
Local Section Coordinator Kites Brazil LIADA
Gerardo Addiego Prospero
Section Coordinator Local Kites in Uruguay
Erwin Salazar
Local Section Coordinator Kites LIADA by Peru
Press and Publications
Jorge Coghlan (CODE / Secretary LIADA)
Institutions Sponsors and Adhering |
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Santa Fe Undersecretary of Science and Technology Promotion | Comets Section LIADA the |
Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía | CODE Astronomical Observatory |
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