L'Observatoriu Rural Apartments - http://www.elobservatoriu.com/ - MPC J38, The Vara, Valdés, Spain.

The unusual orbit of Comet 29P, very circular, can be observed at most of the year while the observational window leaves a sufficient angle to avoid being bothered by its proximity to the Sun This allows keep a systematic record of their activity.
In this observational record since the comet and the eruptive behavior makes it especially interesting surprise from time to time with bursts of activity, which allows any of them during their time of rise to maximum brightness and decline further to reach the normal state "sleep" and sometimes as is the case, the detection of unusual outbreaks of low magnitude reached.
In the night of 2 February 3, 2010 and after making several interesting observations of other comets, allowing time for the height above the horizon were more propitious, I pointed to the comet 29P hoping to find a typical situation down the brightness of a burst previous child, which occurred in the month of January, in December 2009 was in precisely this situation of low brightness which usually maintains a weak point (picture 1 of 11.12.2009), but in previous images adjustment the focus and appropriate exposure estimate and was appreciated much more timely and brighter than expected, no alarms, and to meet him in that aspect is not so strange, you take the time to perform the usual six pictures on them than usual to make astrometric and photometric measurements, corrected properly to be measured, the software warned of excess saturated with images so if I was surprised and realized I really was in "outburst" and was much bigger than it originally had expected.
available immediately and as for all new footage and exposure setting most appropriate to the new situation, I put the warning message to the community of observers through mailing lists, awaiting response from those who at that time were to listen on-line. " In a few moments, while still performing the new footage, replied to the notice Dr. M. Kidger who was looking at the e-mail:
- How big is the explosion?
- Hi Mark, gave me 11.8 in saturated images!
- If it is large of the largest in recent years.
- In 6 or 7 minutes I have new reliable measurements.

, the outbreak was important. (imagen2 of 02/10/2002)
mail informing a new measurement and quick response to Mark: One of the brightest since 2001, now requires confirmation to see if it is going to shine.
Back in early July 3, mail activity as usual at that hour was rather small but after a while answers FernandoTifner of Argentina (MPC-I32) of the low altitude warning which had the comet (about 20 meetings) with clouds and the chance to do if it improved the situation, José M ª Boch (MPC-B74) replied that could, after a few minutes his statement confirming the suspicion that it was still rising, the extent indicated a magnitude of 11.5 in the same photometric box. Between the announcement and confirmation of José Maria had given me time to make new images to try to test this possibility, due to the short interval between the first and second series of my observations there was no significant change in the magnitude that hit again the opening 11.7.
After confirmation of JM Bosch began to spread the word, Mark Kidger sent a statement to "The Astronomer" and other observers began to watch the event on the morning of February 3 becomes in a stream of announcements and congratulations as well as new measures to begin to succeed in giving the outburst flood excellent coverage and great consistency.
from professional observatories began to arrive the first detailed images of the inside of the colon that begins to develop and begin to see the filaments of the jets of ejected material. 29P definitely pop in that night there was one more, you can now say it was a great event in the recent history of this comet.