the 3rd of January we had the opportunity to be diving into the sun a bright comet in the family of the "Sungrazer", its magnitude was close to 0.0. And to the right of the Sun looks at the bright planet Venus.
The SOHO C3 camera allows us to see the night sky around the Sun through a coronagraph which hides his brilliant album, that way we can observe the passage of comets and particular Kreutz group comets.

Using the "SOHO movie theater"
we can see the animation as the comet approaches, increasing their brightness and size until moments before impact with the Sun You can see it in the C2 and C3 cameras on SOHO.
For example using the camera, "Lasco C2 LASCO C3 or" Select Lasco Lasco C3 or C2
we can see the animation as the comet approaches, increasing their brightness and size until moments before impact with the Sun You can see it in the C2 and C3 cameras on SOHO.
For example using the camera, "Lasco C2 LASCO C3 or" Select Lasco Lasco C3 or C2