Not long ago I happened what I will tell you, though I wonder if there was mere coincidence or if it was my suggestion, if I do not believe are within their rights, not my idea to convince anything, we do assure you is that I have never played with that ...
"It was an evening like any other, I was at home waiting to be made at night to go to sleep. I had many things to do, so I started looking for videos on youtube only to lose time and, without knowing how it happened, I ended up watching videos of people playing the Ouija board.
One by one I saw the videos with people playing and asking questions to a wooden board, I also saw objects moving possessions and called "for themselves", from live video was one that caught my attention, the video showed some guys around a computer asking questions to a board animated (flash) telling them the answers.
Invaded by my boredom I went to google and typed "Virtual Ouija." One page led me to another until late in the evening I found a very rare. It was blue and had Arabic-sounding letters, however there was a list where one of the said 'English'. When choosing the language and type my email just had a board like the others but the bottom had a text box where it said RESPONSE.
I started playing, to start saying to turn off the lights and light a candle and turn out the light, I omitted it from the candle and better lit a cigarette. I asked a question and follow the instructions putting my mouse and monitor directly in front of just touching it with my fingertips, there was no response so I went to the bathroom, again had an answer in the text field, I kept asking for things and the answers I gave were ambiguous. The mouse was moving very little, but that was enough for the triangle that I showed the letter to move on the virtual board, was pointing out the answers and each letter would appear in the text field saying RESPONSE.
I made all sorts of questions, it was fun reading the responses, each laying a difficult question I put things inconsistent or just answered with laughter "lol", but what I quickly came under that night. When I started to get bored and my cigars were over heard someone knock on my door I was living alone and were well past midnight, I can not deny that scared me to the point that I did not see who it was, then returned to play harder, I felt something ran my neck but my nerves were more I stand still watching the door for a while until it stopped playing, I was not able to get up to see who it was, I just froze, but what I really accelerated the heart was that to turn the monitor, the field response said, "opens the door" ...
I stood in shock watching the blinking cursor for a moment thought I would write more things, but it was not. After a while (which made me eternal) closed browser, turn off the computer and went to bed. Spend all night without sleep. "
Undoubtedly there are things that logic can not explain.
Greetings and happy!
"It was an evening like any other, I was at home waiting to be made at night to go to sleep. I had many things to do, so I started looking for videos on youtube only to lose time and, without knowing how it happened, I ended up watching videos of people playing the Ouija board.
One by one I saw the videos with people playing and asking questions to a wooden board, I also saw objects moving possessions and called "for themselves", from live video was one that caught my attention, the video showed some guys around a computer asking questions to a board animated (flash) telling them the answers.
Invaded by my boredom I went to google and typed "Virtual Ouija." One page led me to another until late in the evening I found a very rare. It was blue and had Arabic-sounding letters, however there was a list where one of the said 'English'. When choosing the language and type my email just had a board like the others but the bottom had a text box where it said RESPONSE.
I started playing, to start saying to turn off the lights and light a candle and turn out the light, I omitted it from the candle and better lit a cigarette. I asked a question and follow the instructions putting my mouse and monitor directly in front of just touching it with my fingertips, there was no response so I went to the bathroom, again had an answer in the text field, I kept asking for things and the answers I gave were ambiguous. The mouse was moving very little, but that was enough for the triangle that I showed the letter to move on the virtual board, was pointing out the answers and each letter would appear in the text field saying RESPONSE.
I made all sorts of questions, it was fun reading the responses, each laying a difficult question I put things inconsistent or just answered with laughter "lol", but what I quickly came under that night. When I started to get bored and my cigars were over heard someone knock on my door I was living alone and were well past midnight, I can not deny that scared me to the point that I did not see who it was, then returned to play harder, I felt something ran my neck but my nerves were more I stand still watching the door for a while until it stopped playing, I was not able to get up to see who it was, I just froze, but what I really accelerated the heart was that to turn the monitor, the field response said, "opens the door" ...
I stood in shock watching the blinking cursor for a moment thought I would write more things, but it was not. After a while (which made me eternal) closed browser, turn off the computer and went to bed. Spend all night without sleep. "
Undoubtedly there are things that logic can not explain.
Greetings and happy!