If the summer is over, today dawned a gray, rainy day, and not long into the fall and thus afternoons are over terraces, pools, girls in miniskirts and plunging necklines, long sunny days, holidays, and in my case the urge to win, is that I do not know why but when it's cold, raining or short days give me a weba go out, I do not even want to get out of bed, I have a syndrome autumn and winter depression is more, if I were invernaría like bears or even better, as birds migrate at this time to live always in summer.
There are people who prefer the cold, or some who say they love me depressed watching the rain fall (which he is good from time to time be sad), that sucks, I prefer the sun, but perhaps my imagination when a sunny day people look more cheerful, the colors are more vivid, whereas now everything looks like a black and white slide. As they say "to taste the rainbow", or "to rainbow colors", or "for the rainbow colors, "well, the idea is that, the fact is that I hate the cold, rain and gray days.
And to think that 9 months before next summer. But anyway, as every year, will survive ...