Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Camping At Somerset Kirkleigh

renewed commitment to defend the rivers in protest against dams HidroAysén and Southern Energy

  • This weekend in Cochrane.
  • From various locations in the Aysen region about 200 people came to the area of \u200b\u200bEl Manzano, place-along with the eponymous bridge materialize, would be flooded by Endesa and Colbun elproyecto.
  • A full festival and parade were a symbolic act actions developed in the symbolic date.
An energy bath. A primer for what's next. A meeting between twinned communities.

That and more was what we experienced this weekend in the territory that is the epicenter of the threat of multiple dams that are planned for construction in the Aysen Region, to mark the Global Day of Action Against Dams.

Sunday March 13 200 people came from different localities of the Aysen region to El Manzano (35 km north of Cochrane) to express their rejection of the HidroAysén project, which seeks to fill about six thousand hectares of land Patagonia and install thousands of pylons between Santiago Aysen and to meet the future energy demand in the mining sector. This is a historical place of transit for residents of the area, standing at the gateway of that he also disappear under the waters of the reservoir materialize Baker 1 projecting Endesa and Colbún.

On Saturday 12 participants were already gathered from 15:00 hours on the Place de Cochrane, a town of about 3 000 people, to listen to various regional artists who have joined the cause, the local singer Nicasio Android addition Luna Mc and Cony, Hugo Mansilla, Richard Sepulveda, R-Lyric, Gabriel Marquez Pato MC Strategist and Apache, among other artists, in addition to the poetry of Joaquin Cheuqueman. And the children had enjoyed recreational activities and adults with information on all threats. Because in this region are not only concerned with HidroAysén and five dams on the Baker and Pascua rivers, but also by Southern Energy and Cuervo River Dam, as well as White and Condor that the mining company controlled by Xstrata expects to enter early assessment .

President of the Association of Defenders of the Spirit of Patagonia Cochrane, Carlos Garrido, alluded to in the place the symbolism of the activity, which reminds all in the world affected by large dams. "Fortunately rivers still run free, but our communities are taken over the past five or six years ago by HidroAysén, Southern Energy. The Chilean State elgobierno, previous governments too, we have not been able to represent "he said.

From Puerto Aysen the leader of the Band Wallmapu, Hugo Diaz, said " have to work and make this our paradise. And we can not let companies take our paradise. And for that we must be steadfast in our position, no to negotiations, not multinationals and that is what we have to do. It is a stand today, a dream for which we have to fight . "

Caniullan Pedro, president of Entre Rios and Cordillera de Villa Ortega, in the vicinity of Coyhaique, gave a word of support for their countrymen. " If we had a good policy should not be that they want to do, because the dams for us is zero. Here we are ready to defend you in this sector both as throughout Chile and Aysen, because in other countries made dams are the greatest poverty "he said, while calling for unity" from Villa O'Higgins to Board. "

" Grateful for all the people who come from abroad, with many miles of travel, that have come to help us, give us a hand. And we must be grateful, because it is the result of our work, so people who have been going well happy because we are going to be high forever, defending the river, defending Baker "said Greece Gallardo, Cochrane.

After the ceremony, after registering the power flow and Porfirio Diaz's father read a prayer for the rivers, the participants moved to the camp Based on the previous night stayed overnight to share a traditional roast stick.

Such demonstrations framed in the Global Day of Action against Dams, which is celebrated globally on 14 March and began to develop in Aysen 2006 at the confluence of the rivers Nef and Baker. This location was repeated in 2007, arriving first at El Manzano in 2008. Ayseninos In 2009 they moved to the fall of Ibáñez River, while in 2010 it returned to the area who starred this year.

This year the event was organized by the Association Defenders of the Spirit of Patagonia and elMovimiento Citizen Patagonia without Dams. "


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